Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Day Two with Hattie

We were able to visit Hattie again today at the transition home. Yesterday, she cried on and off but warmed up to us by the end of the day. She even fell asleep while I was holding her, providing plenty of snuggle time. We were back at our room by 6pm, sleeping a good 13-14 hours before heading back to visit Hattie. Today, she waved to us when we arrived, but cried again when the nanny gave her to us. It is obvious that she LOVES her nannies and the other kiddos at the transition home. We were able to feed her lunch today and hold her while she took a nap again...so sweet. When we came back after lunch we got to see her sitting on her little potty - that's right, she has already been potty training and is doing really well for a 17-month old! She is saying a few words, in Amharic of course, so we don't really know what she can say but it is still adorable. We have learned a few words, though. She is waving and walking really well. There are a few kiddos, ages 4 or 5, that call to her, wave to her, love on her and do silly things to make her laugh everytime they see her. It is so sweet to watch. It is comforting to see that she has known love while at this transition home from the other kids and especially her nannies, but it also saddens my heart to think about how she will feel when we can bring her home and she has to say goodbye. They have been so good to her and she is definitely attached to her favorite nannies. After spending the day with her, our group took a cultural outing to eat traditional Ethiopian fare accompanied by music, singing and dancing - what a neat experience! Internet and wi-fi have been hit or miss, but we hope to be able to post more pictures tomorrow. Thank you so much for all of your prayers! Much Love!

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